Saturday, May 22, 2010

Learning Happens- Even in Summer

I just wanted to add a quick post here today to let everyone know what we have been doing around here. We officially started out summer break on May 1st, but nothing is TOO official here. I was planning to adjust our breaks around garden planting and harvesting, with a little easy school in between. We will be doing 2 units a month for now, to coincide with our brand-new homeschool co-op! :)

Even when we aren't "doing" school, a lot of learning still goes on around here. Check it out!

When it's too cold to play outside, bring the dirt in! (NOT my idea!)

Picnic time!

Spider egg sacs in a jar.... eew I know. After reading Charlotte's web, do you really think we could throw away an egg sac??

Garage sale find: Pterodactyl floor puzzle

The first Roots n' Shoots meeting. We are planning our Unit-Study based Co-op, and they are playing in the water. :)

First harvest of the year!! Horray!

Tearing out our 'boardwalk' sidewalk, to find new bugs.... Also NOT my idea.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from the TOS Crew!

    I love that "Learning Happens" whether we plan it or not. I think this is a great idea for a meme.



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