Friday, February 4, 2011

George Washington Download N Go Review

"Mommy, was Grandpa in the 'Revolate-a-lutionary' war?"

Okay, time for more early American history!  In fact, it's time for another fun Download N Go-  This time, George Washington.  I love to teach my children about the great Christian men who formed this country, and Download N Gos are a great way to do that.  They have several units to get you started, including Constitution Celebration and Ben Franklin, as well as George Washington.

Download N Gos are week-long unit studies with accompanying lapbook pieces that you can print and use.  However, there is so much more here then just lesson plans!  They have everythign you need, right in the PDF file.  All of the information is found in the links that are embedded where you need them, right in the study.  You can just click on a link and read all about the subject.  The study is organized by day, and all you have to do is read through each day and go to the links as you come to them.  No extra planning for mom!  There are several long book lists available if you want to have additional reading, but they are not needed to complete the study.  This is great for those of us living in rural areas with tiny libraries!
DSCN8614 by warmfuzzies, on Pix-O-Sphere
I was a little disappointed with this Download N Go because there were not as many movies as in some.  We really enjoy the embedded videos a lot!  I am sure that my kids learned just as much through the websites and books, though.  They didn't even seem to notice.  Most of the Download N Go studies have lots of these great videos, which are great for all learning types (and moms, too).

While doing this Download N Go we got to learn all sorts of interesting things about our first president and commander of the Continental Army.  CJ's favorite part was learning about the Washington Monument, for some reason.  They both loved doing the little 'picture journals' for their lapbooks while we learned about Mr. Washington's own journaling habit.  The thought-provoking quotes scattered through the pages were an extra treat.  If we were spending more time on this I would love to use these for memorization and copywork.  This is a great example of how these studies can be stretched for older children as well as the recommended K-4th grade users.

This Download N Go had a lot of great journaling, copywork, drawing pages, and lapbook pieces to use.  We always enjoy the drawing pages the best, and CJ was very excited to learn that he would get to draw the Washington Monument!  I don't know why that appealed to him so much but he wanted to hear all about it and see lots of pictures.  He added doors and windows to his Monument, so it pretty much looks like a tall house, but oh, well.... perfection is not the goal, right?

DSCN8609 by warmfuzzies, on Pix-O-Sphere
DSCN8611 by warmfuzzies, on Pix-O-Sphere
I received this product free of charge for review purposes. I promise to be honest and fair in my reviews, and I received no other compensation in exchange for my review. You can visit the Download-N-Go blog to read more reviews on this product.


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